
Unul dintre cele mai frumoase lucruri pe care le poți trăi? Cititul.

În ziua de azi, majoritatea adolescenților nu sunt atrași de aceasta parte literară. Oare de ce? Ei spun că nu au timp, că au alte lucruri mai importante de făcut sau sunt atrași de televizor, calculator, telefon etc.

Nu știu părerea multora în legătură cu cititul, dar mie sigur îmi place. Mă simt într-o altă lume. De curând am început să citesc romanul ” Jane Eyre”, este o cartr foarte frumoasă și o recomand la rândul meu, cum a făcut și doamna mea profesoara de limba engleză.

Vreau doar să spun că cititul are un rol important în viața unui om, mai ales că nouă, tinerilor, ne trebuie un limbaj complex pentru a ne dezvolta vocabularul și nu numai.


A wonderful town

Constanța is a town located on the Black Sea coast of Romania.

Constanța is the second largest metropolitan area of the country after Bucharest.

The city is the oldest attestation of the Romanian territory.

Constanța is famous for its beautiful beach on the shores of the Black Sea, the fourth in Europe.


A very important tourist attraction is the Casino of Constanța(1909-1910).



The Casino was one of the buildings of the crest Constanța, built in Art Nouveau style by Frenchman, Daniel Renard.



I ❤ Paris

What can you told me about Paris?


Paris is a wonderful town from all points of view. In my opinion I would like very much to visit this city.


Paris is the capital and largest city of France.


The symbol of France is the Eiffel Tower, which is famous steel skeleton that measures 324 metres high. Will come to bealive that this steel is also from Romania?!


Since I’m little, Paris was my favorite city, and still is. Has something special that makes it different from all the other cities of the world. It’s unique!





Friendship is defined by three things: love, trust and support. Every person need someone by his or her side to talk about the problems or the beautiful moments with him or her and that’s the essence of friendship.


Spending time with people makes you feel happy. When I go out with my friends, I feel free and protect in the same time. I meet in every weekend with my girls and we start to talk about dresses, TV shows, shoes or we just watch a movie. Sometimes, we talk about vacances and where we want to go to shop.
I’m good friend with my neighbour. We visit each other and we do our homework for school and we discuss about what happened at some subjects. For example, yesterday, ahe came at my class and she told me that she will have a Physics test. She was terriffied because she has a lot learn and a little time. I huged her, I supported her and I told her thet anything will be allright.


In my group of friends, I have some boys, too. We meet at the corner of the street and we buy snaks, we listen to music, we tell jokes, we buy juice and we enjoy each other’ company.

I know that I can trust my friends and that I can tell them anything and I can discuss my problems, they help me with everything they can, they are giving me good counsels and they support me. For me, this is the greatest part of friendship because a friend in need is a friend indeed.


She is my best friend. I love her very much.❤

In conclusion, friendship is the greatest thing we will always need.